Siège GD

A cooperative owned and controlled by breeders

Founded in 1948 and specialized in bovine, porcine, equine, and rabbits, the Genes Diffusion group is a partner to breeders throughout France.

Leading 2 selection programs in Charolais and Holstein, being a key partner for the Normande Breed in Origen Normande, Union Gènes Diffusion is first of all a major player in bovine selection and reproduction process for various beef and dairy breeds. We have over 600 AI technicians and 'genetic creation experts' to provide breeders with a variety of specialized services.   

Journée charte

Our program in figures

  • Over 570 AI technicians on the field
  • 40 technicians and geneticians for charolais, holstein,...
  • 10 Embryo transfer technicians
  • 150 holstein and 165 charolais herd breeders daily engaged in our genetic programs
  • Over 30.000 breeders are members of Union Gènes Diffusion

Knowledge and expertise of Breeders during selection

Within Genes Diffusion, genetic creation is the result of a very close cooperation between the field team and a core group of select breeders based in France or from various international networks.

To provide breeders with genetics best suited to their needs, Genes Diffusion relies on it's own genomic platform based at Institut Pasteur de Lille.  This platform uses specific reliable indexes thus basing selection on functional and economic traits.  Resulting genomic data is recorded and provided to "national control organizations" for validation.

Relying on the developed skills of it's affiliate, GD Biotech, Genes Diffusion is able to offer its genetic expertise to breeders based on their individual needs.

Back office

Our daily motivation « We care about breeders »

Striving to improve the performance and profitability of their membership breeders, Genes Diffusion integrates the best herd management focusing on profitability, and sustainability.  Our wide range of genetics is able to meet the needs of individual members.

 With solid pedigrees, free of genetic anomalies, Genes Diffusion bulls offer diversified profiles suitable for all farming operations (pasture grazing to free stalls and farms of all sizes).                                                                                                

Reliability of genomic indexes...
  • Reference population (includes animals both genotyped and with production performances based index to establish genomic equations) increases regularly for all breeds.
  • In Europe, as well as Northern America, genomics have proven their effectiveness with majority of bulls confirming their indexes through daughter proven data.
  • This selection method has been adopted by all types of breeders which assists to control the environmental effects.
Fille de ILVOLO