2023 was a very rich year for the export department of Genes DIffusion and our international partners. We organized the GD Tour and we participated to numberous professional fairs across the world :
End june beginning of July, an important delegation representing 25 of our distributors (coming from more than 20 different countries: Germany, Brasil, Canada, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Norway, Peru, Poland, Chech Republic, Romania, Switzerland...) took part to the GD Tour. Trip has started with the visit of the GD headquarter and the impressive Day "Génétique & Paillettes" in Douai where people could see the results of our Holstein and Charolais selection programs. After we pursued with 4 farm visits using or creating our genetics (North, Normandy). We had a great time during an amazing discovery of the Normande Breed at Origen Normande and we finsihed by the great National show at Haras du Pin (Normandy).
➡️ To know more and catch some nice souvenir back from this great event and time shared together, you can view or download the pictures with the following link :
During this year we had active participations to numberous international fairs around the globe. The teams in 2023 were present at VIV Asia, Bangkok, National Hungary, Dairy Expo Chongqing, China, Space Rennes, Sommet de l'Elevage France, World Dairy Expo Wisconsin USA, Cremona National Italy last november...
These are strong moments that allow us to meet and exchange on the quality of the progeny issued from the Genes Diffusion genetics. We do it always in a positive mood and atmosphere. See you in 2024 !
Gènes Diffusion at the Cremona National Italy last november