Following the indexation on 12/08, the indexes of all Genes Diffusion sires have been updated.
Results that make us proud!
In a few figures Genes Diffusion is:
7 bulls in the French top 10.
32 bulls in the French top 50.
55% of the French top 100.
42 bulls> or = 200pts from ISU.
N ° 1 of the French PIWI ETL ranking (Adlon P x Archer P) with 219 ISU pts born in the breeding of the Riou 29 family.
2nd for the isu at 218 pts PAMAL HP (Notify x Popeye) born in the breeding of Hervé Pavard 61.
N ° 1 in red Holstein with 201 Pts of isu OMATT Red (Matt RF x Rowan Red) born in Gaec la Croix du Clos (42)
For the hornless, 100% GD podium
N ° 1 GEYSER P (Hotspot P x Sniper DG) at 215 from isu resulting from our partnership with Intermizoo
N ° 2 PORKY P (Adlon P x Abott) born in Gaec de l'Aumône 21 but from an embryo of Gaec Kergond today 29
N ° 3 RASTA P (Adlon P x Sparkle) at 210 d'isu born in Gaec de Chichery 89.
N ° 1 Homozygote polled POP ETL PP at 196 isu and full brother of Piwi ETL
For Morphology, 100% GD podium
World N ° 1 for the Eclipse MILIO type (Wilt Emilio x HighOctane) MO 4.9 N ° 1 Type 3.94 N ° 1. Resulting from our partnership with Cogent and available in our international catalog.
N ° 1 French PATROL JBT (Newstar x 1st Grade)
MO 4.6 with 190 pts of isu born at the Toullec brothers 29
N ° 2 tied at 4.3 NORMAN EFP and the 2 confirmed on JOBART and FRIST PJP offspring
A big thank you to our genetic partners, our team and especially to all the breeders for their trust