The indexation of April 2021 is marked by changes in both the ISU formula and the readjustment of the annual base of 5.6 ISU points.
These changes in the ISU formula are intended to increase the functionality of our animals, always with the aim of optimizing the economic traits.
In spite of these changes, it is a nice release for the bulls of our program, which shows that our genetic team had well anticipated these changes.
The ranking of our bulls perfectly reflects our orientations: easy to use, balanced bulls with a strong increase in the Polled gene, the proof of our leadership in this market segment.
Our April 2021 release in a few figures:
- Top 10 ISU = 4 Genes Diffusion bulls
- Top 100 ISU = 38 Genes Diffusion bulls
- Top 10 Polled P = 6 Genes Diffusion bulls
- Top 10 homozygous Polled = 6 Genes Diffusion bulls
Our leading sires
Piwi ETL N°2 ISU 217 / Type 2.8
Born in the herd of EARL Riou (29), PIWI ETL is the full brother of POP ETL PP, n°1 homozygous polled bull in France. They are both sons of Adlon P and out of Nana P ETL VG 85, daughter of Archer P x VG 88 Lottomax x EX 91 Bookem x VG 88 Shottle x EX 90 Manager x EX 90 Lornard x VG 89 Rubens x EX 93 Factor.
PIWI ETL is one of the most complete bulls in France, with a remarkable consistency in his indexes.
He is a great specialist in:
- Components percentages
- Health traits
- Overall type
- Udders suitable for milking robots
PIWI is already available as sexed semen.
Piwi ETL and Pop ETL PP
Pamal HP N°8 ISU 210 / Udder 2.8
Born in the herd Hervé Pavard (61), PAMAL HP is n°1 out of the sons of Notify x VG 85 Popeye x VG 86 Solstice, half-brother to OMNAST HP.
His strong points:
- Production: Milk +1392 / PT +2.2 / VG +3.0
- Health: Fertility +1.7 / Udder Health +1.9
- Udder: +2.8
- SCE: 92
- A2A2 & K-BB
PAMAL HP (Hervé Pavard, Fr)
Aot Spartacus Hustle GTPI 2934
Born and housed in the USA, this sire perfectly illustrates the part of our international program. This son of Spartacus x Fabulous x Cookiecutter Delta Habitan VG 89 is from the maternal family of the Top American sire Aot Helix.
Hustle has balanced and high level indexes in the North American system:
- GTPI 2934
- Type 2.28
- Milk +1128
- Positive components %
Can be used on heifers.
Habitan, great-mother of Hustle
Proven Sire
Hotshot182 #1 Proven Sire ISU 199
Born in Canada and the result of a merger of our program with our partner Origenplus, this bull is a son of Hotshot x Halogen x VG 86 O-Styl x VG 85 Planet x EX 91 Shottle x VG 85 Blitz.
With 165 daughters in his proof, Hotshot182 is close to 200 pts of ISU and is the leader of the Genes Diffusion daughter proven bulls. Hotshot182 is a specialist of fat and protein percentage and health. He sires very functional type and udder suitable for milking robot.
His strong points:
- Components: TP +2.0 / TB +4.5
- Health: Fertility +2.8 / Udder Health +2.7/ Digital Dermatitis +2.1
4698, daughter of Hotshot182 (Gaec Lethuillier, Fr)